Norway Train Cam and Live Public Transport Streaming

Nine hours of what the train driver sees. Not only does it make great background video, but for anyone wanting to visit the area or even take the same journey – it’s a lot better than Google Street View.

It’s not for everyone, but some people will watch it for hours:

The next step is obvious – live streaming video from a camera on a moving vehicle. There are plenty of webcams websites at present, suggesting that some people like looking at static, real-time video. With improvements in technology, especially 5G mobile data, live video from public transport will be possible, and relatively cheap and easy to implement.

As public transport passengers demand fast and continual internet access, getting the feed out there won’t be a problem.

Trains tend to go on journeys that only trains take. But buses (and trams) use public roads, which means that watching a live feed of the driver’s view of a bus will be analogous to driving the route yourself.

And for armchair travellers, the live aspect will bring an extra dimension to the experience.

Ask any video photographer about the importance of movement to maintain interest. In my own experience, when I am being interviewed about a concept or idea, they always want to film me walking into a room, sitting down, and typing on the PC or opening a book and leafing through it. It’s more interesting than a talking head. Taken to an extreme, film director Michael Bay (see above) loves three levels of movement in one shot – movement of the background, movement of the camera, and movement of the actor. While Bay’s movies aren’t popular with film critics, they do make a lot of money, and ultimately it is because movement is better than static.

Such live feeds from public transport are most probably inevitable – who will be the first to make it happen?

Here’s some more train journey videos from Canada and Japan: