Then and Now

The Then

The Then doesn’t require much explaining – it is a 3D map of (eventually) the whole world. The degree of resolution is dependant on technology and bandwidth, but there’s no reason why it can’t evolve with time. All we need is the basic framework to get started, and details can be added piecemeal.

It can start with simple topographical contours:

  • contours
  • wireframe
  • filled polygons
  • textures
  • photo-realistic
  • actual photos

…and end up with accurate imagery. Each step of the way can be a mix of mapping structure and captured visuals.

Being 3D, it will be navigated in exactly the same way as the 3D video games of today, especially first-person shooters.

  • tilt and tap on a tablet computer
  • using controllers and a TV
  • using a VR System (coming really soon)

There will be no interactivity, and everything that you see will be from some time in the past. If there is information attached to a location (like businesses identified in today’s Google Maps), you will see the same info as anyone else having a look.

The exception is that there will be entry points to the Now, such as building doorways and bus stops.

The Now

The Then is the infrastructure, and The Now is a current data overlay. The Then is still being used as the map, and The Now is the icing on the cake.

  • Live video, from public transport, public buildings, private homes, streets and offices
  • Public transport itself, depicted as vehicular avatars
  • Robots and drones (as avatars also)
  • Information from Things (as in the Internet of Things)
  • Avatars of virtual travellers
  • Virtual billboards
  • Live facts, figures and promotions about the world around you – for example, the nightclub across the road is 75% full, tonight’s music is retro, the cover charge is $20, and robots aren’t allowed

And that is just the start!

The Now can be navigated using a tablet or TV, but a VR system is much more preferable.

It can also be accessed using special glasses, which overlay the same data from the Now, but instead being on top of The Then, it is on top of the real world you are seeing in front of you.