Three Beings Walk Into A Bar

A man, a robot and an avatar walk into the bar on a Saturday night. But only after the bouncer lets them enter. Most likely the robot and avatar would not be allowed in on their own.

Neither robots or avatars can  eat or drink, so unless there is a cover charge, their presence isn’t going to help profits. But they do take up space. A robot fills physical space and too many avatars crowd the Now. But if the real life patron wants their company, they might be allowed in with him.

If a band was playing, you could argue that the robot and avatar had more of a genuine reason to be there unaccompanied.

I say bouncer, however in many instances the entry decision could be automated. Certainly within the premises there would be geofences; no avatars or robots could go behind the bar, in the toilets, or too close to the pool table or dance floor.