All posts by RSkelton

NASA’s Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM)

You shouldn’t stack acronyms… although Linux might be.

NASA is proposing an air traffic control for drones, and it is pretty good. It ticks all the boxes for what you’d expect from a governmental infrastructure. However, it is missing the greater picture aspects of MapMerge, namely:

  • permission to land on private property
  • identification of drones
  • depth of 3D-mapping to enable intricate journeys in cities

A commercial offering, that addresses real world needs (see above) will be realised quicker and cheaper. That doesn’t mean a commercial solution can’t merge with local government systems.

Convincing City Managers #1

Most major CBDs have a big traffic problem – too many people want to drive into the city compared to the amount of road that is available. And the cars pollute and hinder pedestrians and need parking etc.

Any solution to car glut will get the attention of local government.

There are a number of innovations in the works, that when combined, will be transformative:

  • electric cars – no pollution, cheaper to run, more reliable
  • autonomous vehicles – safer, more room for passengers, no drink driving or drug driving
  • guidance systems – cars take optimal routes, drive closer together, take less room
  • shared cars / public transport – as we leave behind the idea of a car being owned, efficiencies multiply

Combine those 4 trends and we get cars that drive all day, without being parked, without emissions. They travel as convoys to save space. They can be half as wide, meaning double capacity. They know the quickest way from A to B. And without drivers or ownership they are substantially cheaper.

Now tell your local leaders that this can become reality much quicker if a vehicle operating system is developed. Then tell them it won’t cost them a penny.

A study showed that it costs

  • $1.60 per mile for private vehicle operation
  • $0.41 if the vehicle is autonomous and shared
  • $0.15 if that sharing involves strangers taking journeys together


Less congested CBD roads will mean that less roads are needed. CBD land is very expensive (because often you can build a skyscraper on it), so any freed land is worth a lot to the city.

Land made available can be sold for more buildings to be built, or turned into a public facility like a square, park or market.


An autonomous, electric vehicles has less going on. There is certainly more room in the cabin – no gear stick, no steering wheel, no need for a forward-facing driver. I believe vehicles that are wide enough for two people to share a space, which means half the present width, is achievable. Which means double the capacity of existing roads.

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I can’t imagine any near-future (aside for perhaps flying vehicles) that can increase the load capacity of city streets so dramatically.

Drones Becoming Problematic

The trend is clear – as privately operated drones increase – more issues will arise:

  • accidental collisions
  • being in the wrong place
  • governmental security
  • new and interesting uses for drones (criminal/terrorist)

Control is inevitable. News stories like this will accrue:

Anderson, of course, is alluding to all the recent incidents involving drones in places they shouldn’t be, whether it be a crowded tennis stadium, three drones in three days near JFP Airport, or drones interfering with firefighters. According to the FAA, drone sightings near airplanes are on pace to quadruple in 2015.
Drone “Jackassery” Must Stop

Apple, Microsoft, Google, Blah!

An interesting article has been posted at The Verge, arguing that the three major online tech companies in the USA are all playing things safe and trending in the same direction. Not one appears to be keen to take a radical, unique approach to the future. Fair enough, they have corporate responsibilities.

True innovation requires the undertaking of significant risk, and the bigger a company becomes the more conservative it inevitably has to be. 

It can happen, it just needs a business model that is persuasive enough, as I believe Map Merge to be.